The Breakdown
We see that Brian has been shot. Duncan is trying to save him to use him as bait for Ellen. Ellen is at the train station looking directly at her kids. In the dumbest move ever Ellen doesn’t go up to the kids to tell them what to do, instead she leaves and goes back to the house. Morgan and Jake reconsider getting on the bus and decide to catch the next bus. Ellen enters the house and tells Sandrine (the female member of Duncan’s team) to get away from her husband if they want her help.
While Archer who Duncan that they couldn’t expect to finish this job without getting their hands dirty. At the bus station Sandrine looks around trying to find the kids. Morgan and Jake get called over the loudspeaker in the bus station. They go to a window and one of the employees give Morgan the bag with the money and passports for them to leave. There is also a note from Ellen telling them to go on without them. Morgan and Jake finally get on the next bus to Montreal when the bus is held up because they are waiting for another female passenger.
Back at the Sanders house, Ellen is trying to get the bullet of out Brian’s chest. She has Duncan holding pressure on Brians’ wound so that he doesn’t bleed out. Suddenly the door rings and a man won’t stop screaming for them to answer it. Duncan tells Ellen to get the door and also to take off her clothes because the ones she is wearing has blood on them. Ellen changes her clothes and goes to the door. It’s Boyd, Morgans boyfriend, Boyd pleads his case and becomes rather annoying saying he can take care of Morgan while she pregnant.
Duncan takes his hand off of Brian and has Brian hold his own wound. Duncan pulls out his gun and goes to the door. Not being seen by Boyd Duncan motions to Ellen to get rid of this guy. Boyd leaves and Ellen goes back to Brain. Brain asks what was that about and Ellen says that you should know since Boyd approached him first. Brian denies and Ellen figures out that Duncan posed as her husband. Archer goes to a storage unit to get the body of Angela. He wraps the body in a oriental rug then places it on a cart and leaves.
Outside a woman knocks her cart into Archers. The cart gets stuck and the woman asks Archer for help and won’t shut up. She goes on about what she does for a living and even asks about the rug that Archer is transporting. She is about to unravel the rug until Archer stops her saying that he is running late. Sandrine is being held in a strange place while being beat up by the person she owes money to. It seems that she was supposed to oversee an incoming drug shipment at the docks but they were intercepted. The guy is making Sandrine pay for his lost shipment. She begs that she needs more time to get the money. Duncan throws Ellen in the trunk of a car telling her she must pay for trying to escape.
The Analyst
It seems like Duncan team is crumbling to pieces. Duncan gets Archer set up. Sandrine is requesting 50 thousand dollars from Duncan within 24 hours and Kramer seems to be having conflicting emotions about this mission or just for Sandrine in general. I was surprised at this episode, before I watched it I thought that I would rate it a 4. To my surprise to was better than expected. In efforts to make viewers watch the show CBS showed an extended look at future episodes. In it, it showed Sandrine and Archer hooking up, Cresey possibly being killed and Ellen and Duncan kissing. I can’t completely concede to the notion that this show is heating up, but it is getter better. I said previously that Duncan team’s back story are far more interesting that Ellen’s family. It is good to see that the writers are shying away from the family and concentrating on Kramer, Sandrine and Archer.