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Peter Dinklage to Get Dirty as an R-rated Leprechaun

For anyone who follows the WWE, the company’s leprechaun wrestler Hornswoggle will soon be starring in a reboot of the Leprechaun horror movie franchise. If that is just horrific to listen to then the news that Game of Thrones actor Peter Dinklage will star in an R-rated leprechaun comedy should make you a bit happier.

Dinklage is one of the best diminutive actor working today (what is the PC term now, anyway?). For those who only know his work from the dark and violent world of Game of Thrones, check him out in Death at a Funeral, where he is the best thing in it, or even in Will Ferrell’s Christmas movie Elf.

The guy has great comic timing and if he is ready to get down and dirty in a leprechaun movie, I am all for it.

The movie is described in tone to Bad Santa (hell yes) where Dinklage plays a guy who tells everyone that he is a real leprechaun although no one is really sure why. It is also supposed to be “deep in R-rated territory but wrapped around an emotional heart.”

As long as they keep the “heart” part at arm’s length and keep it as unsentimental as Bad Santa, we should be good. What are your thoughts, can Peter Dinklage pull off a comedic leading role? Chime in below.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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