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‘The Legend of Conan’ Gets a ‘World Trade’ Screenwriter

The Legend of Conan Writer

The next phase of Arnold’s career is in full swing with Terminator 5  and The Legend of Conan being fast tracked into production. However, while Terminator 5 begins filming in the coming months, The Legend of Conan inherits a decent screenwriter to draft the next film.

According to the report, Andrea Berloff is set to pen the screenplay, which is described as a direct continuation of Conan The Barbarian and ignoring the events of Conan the Destroyer, as well as the 2011 reboot starring Jason Momoa. Arnold Schwarzenegger is still set to reprise the title role as an older bearded badass Conan.

Producer Fredrik Malmberg commented on Schwarzenegger’s return and also offered some praise to Berloff as a writer for the sequel.

We’re thrilled to be working with Chris and his creative team and to see Arnold Schwarzenegger return in the role that started his career. [Morgan called Berloff] an amazing writer who can juggle masculine grittiness with extreme emotional depth. Her take on Conan is powerful and genuine and would make Robert E. Howard proud.

Berloff is previously recognized for her work on the Oliver Stone picture World Trade Center, which starred Nicholas Cage and Michael Pena. She’s been in high demand the last couple of years adapting the French action film, Sleepless Night for Warner Brothers, as well as writing a new vision of the King Arthur tale for Disney. If all films execute accordingly, Berloff is a name you will most likely hear quite frequently.

All that aside, I cannot wait! I loved the 1984 film and have been dying to see bearded King Conan place foot-to-ass on enemies for years. Consider me there opening day!

Source: Deadline


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