With all the tremendous reception Breaking Bad has earned over the last several years, it’s not a wonder people are trying to bang down Vince Gilligan’s door. As the door closes on that show, Vince has already booked himself another gig over at CBS. Here is the details my Renegades, and Renegadettes!
One thing to keep in mind, this isn’t going to be a Vince Gilligan show in the same manner as Breaking Bad. The report explains Gilligan created the show, however, David Shore (House) is stepping in as show-runner for the CBS series. I did love me some House.
It appears Gilligan is setting up passion projects he had in mind for a long time. Especially, now that he has street credibility. I know I’m super eager to find out what he decides to settle on for himself. He mentioned in an interview that Breaking Bad began as an experimental project. I hope he still has that desire to take more experimental risk in the future.
Source: Variety