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Kevin Smith’s Walrus Movie ‘Tusk’ Needed to Make Clerks 3

Kevin Smith Tusk

After announcing that he was going to make one more movie and then retire, things have changed for Kevin Smith. That final movie, a hockey flick called Hit Somebody, will now become a television mini-series. Then Smith said that his last movie would actually be Clerks 3. However, problems occurred with that and a Kevin Smith Tusk movie was announced.

Tusk is a movie starring Michael Parks (Red State) as a man who hires another guy (Justin Long) to live in his home with the stipulation that he wears a walrus suit and only acts like a walrus would.

Wait, what?

Actually, I am a HUGE fan of Kevin Smith, and while I don’t appreciate a lot of his dialogue that professional writers who focus on film criticism are not real writers, I don’t let that change the fact that I still enjoy his work. I’ll just take the high road here because the film critics who lashed out at Smith after those statements are no better than Smith was for looking down at and insulting other writers to begin with.

Anyway, Tusk sounds like a load of fun.

Smith said that the movie was also important for him to finally get Clerks 3 made, which makes me happy because I love that entire View Askew Universe (Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back is still my favorite Smith movie) and thought Clerks 2 was pretty damn good too.

Smith said that Tusk will help make it easier to get the financing he needs to make Clerks 3 and it will also help him dust off the rust since he hasn’t made a movie since 2011 (Red State).

I hate the fact that Kevin Smith is retiring, but with Tusk, we now have three more Smith projects coming, so that means he will still be around for a couple of more years at least.

Source: Slash Film

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