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Odd Thomas finally getting a theatrical release

I’m a closet Dean Koontz fan. I know, I know, everyone calls him a low-rent Stephen King, but I think the guy tells good stories and when I was younger, I read him when I wasn’t reading King or Clive Barker. Well, he has some novels about a character named Odd Thomas and Stephen Sommers made it into a movie starring Anton Yelchin (Chekov from Star Trek and Kyle Reese from Terminator: Salvation).

If you haven’t heard of it, don’t worry – few outside of Dean Koontz’s fans have.

Basically, Sommers (The Mummy) made the movie TWO YEARS ago and couldn’t get it released into theaters. There was a big financial dispute between the indie financiers who helped get it made and then it was delayed indefinitely. Sad news for Koontz fans, crickets chirping for Hollywood.

I am interested because  I am a huge fan of Yelchin. I thought he was solid in his breakthrough role in Alpha Dog and was solid in the Fright Night remake, which was better than it ever had a right to be. I want to see him in a lead role again.

Sommers hadn’t made a movie since the first G.I. Joe film (which I didn’t think was that horrible in a cheesy action movie kind of way), so I want to see what he did with a lower budget than he is used to ($27 million).

Well, Image Entertainment acquired all U.S. rights to Odd Thomas and will release it in the first part of 2014.

Odd Thomas was the first in a series of seven books, with one still unreleased. It tells the story of a short order cook with clairvoyant abilities. In the first book, a mysterious man shows up in town with information on all the world’s worst killers and Odd Thomas sets out to find out what he is doing there.

Anton Yelchin plays Odd Thomas and the supporting cast includes Willem Defoe and Addison Timlin.

Source: Collider

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