The Breakdown
The second episode of Sleepy Hollow starts off with Ichabod running for his life in the dark of night through the forest. He is running from four figures on horses; with one figure being headless of course. He ends seeing his wife, Katrina, which confirms he is in some sort of vision or dream. Katrina has another warning for him. She warns, cryptically, about a dark spirit who “arises with the blood moon” and is waiting to enter the world; “she is one of us”. Katrina says to stop her before she kills again. She also talks about the headless horseman wanting to wake the others.
We then see a body bag in the morgue suddenly start moving. As someone makes their way out of the body bag, we only see the neck down. He turns around and we see that it is Andy. As he tries to put his head back right-side up, the faceless figure appears and tells him to release someone. Andy starts to choke something up and pulls out a chain with a pendant on it.
After nightfall, Andy is in a cemetery with the pendant. He delivers a message to a smoky being that looks to be female and covered in ash. Andy tells her she must find the descendants of the ones that burned her in order to get her skin back. We soon see Andy, who is in his police uniform, stop a guy in a car. He asks the guy his name and tells him that the road he is about to take isn’t personal. Confused (as we all are), the man tries starting up his car to continue on. While he is still trying to get it to turn, the woman covered in ash appears, puts her hand on his windshield, and the inside of the car bursts in flames.
Abbie soon gets called to a crime scene with a charred guy in a burned up car. They notice that the body has a hole in the chest as if someone was collecting something. Ichabod realizes he has seen this before. We flash back to one of his memories in the war where he found bodies charred the same way. He catches a glance of a woman with red eyes and he can tell there is something dark about her but was still a heavy skeptic at the time and wasn’t sure if he believed what he saw.
It turns out there is a tunnel that was built during the war to transfer ammunition and supplies. They walk down the dark, spooky tunnel and Ichabod tells Abbie that the witches’ bones are down there because it was felt they did not deserve a proper burial. Eventually, two end up in the storage room or “the place where hard copies go to die” as Abbie says. They find Corbin’s old files and do some research. They find a book that tells of Serilda who was bound and weakened so the hunters could catch and burn her. Right before she burns she promises that the ashes of ancestry will be hers, that “your flesh will be my flesh” and “I will live again.” Ichabod and Abbie research further and discover that the charred victim in the car was a descendant of the magistrate. They find out who the other descendant in town is and go to the house. Meanwhile, Serilda is already in the house to get the boy. By the time they get to the house, she is already gone and so are the ashes of the boy’s adoptive father, who is the real last descendant. They go back to the tunnel to find her bones, hoping they can still stop her from resurrecting by burning them. Andy is already digging the bones up for Serilda. Serilda manages to get her flesh back and starts to come after Ichabod since it was his wife Katrina who bound her power. We get another chuckle here as Abbie asks Ichabod why he dropped the gun. He claims it was empty because he already shot the bullet, not knowing that guns now carry multiple bullets. He manages to put fire to some old (very old) explosives and blows her back to ash.
In the final scene, we see Jennifer Mills (Abbie’s sister) in the institution getting her meds. After the nurse leaves she spits them out and continues her workout by doing pull-ups on a bar. We see a reflection of the faceless figure that she has been trying desperately to forget. She quickly turns around but there is nothing there. She goes back to working out hard as if she is preparing for something.
The Analysis
So far, I like the show. Although it seems cliché at times, I get a kick out of the Ichabod’s discoveries of the changes in the modern world. I was actually excited when the cops saw the headless horseman right off because that meant we didn’t have to go through a whole season of them thinking Abbie was crazy. Although I was disappointed that they recanted in this episode, I understand that it is a necessary layer of difficulty for the protagonist. I am intrigued as to how they will fold Abbie’s sister into the story. Somehow, I think he will increase the difficulty of the situation. So far my favorite part of the mystery is Katrina’s role and her mysterious, cryptic warnings. Captain Irving’s character urkes me with his blatant denial of the situation. With this only being the second episode of the entire series, this story can go anywhere at this point.