I just re-watched the Roland Emmerich Stargate sci-fi classic over the weekend, and lemme tell you something: that flick holds up pretty well. This Renegade Reporter dug not only the performances of James Spader and the iconic Kurt Russell but also the sense of science (as far fetched as it was) and discovery conveyed in the film’s opening half. We’ve all heard that director Roland Emmerich plans to revisit his popular Independence Day with a sequel; now word has come in that he plans to do the same for the Stargate property.
“We went to MGM, who has the rights, and proposed to them to do a sequel, but as a reboot… and reboot it as a movie and then do three parts. Pretty soon we’ll have to look for a writer and start.”
ID4 Part 2 seems to be likely for a 2016 release. With the word “reboot” being bandied around for the Roland Emmerich Stargate property it is somewhat safe to assume that Russell and Spader won’t be coming back for another go through the chevron activated device, so timing isn’t everything in this case. The whole idea itself isn’t too farfetched at all considering that Stargate grossed almost $197M worldwide and $71M in the States back in 1994. What do you guys and gals think of the idea of rebooting Stargate (and a continuation of Independence Day, for that matter)?
Source: Digital Spy