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Sam Raimi Talks His ‘Evil Dead 4’ Doubts

Evil Dead 4

Just yesterday, we told you about how Sam Raimi said he was working on an Evil Dead 4 script this summer with his brother, and that caused a ton of excitement around these parts. Sam Raimi bringing back Bruce Campbell and Ash for a new Evil Dead horror adventure was something to fall in love with. Now, I am not so sure.

I want Sam Raimi to make an Evil Dead 4 because I really want to see what happened to Bruce Campbell in the original ending for Army of Darkness when he woke up in a post apocalyptic future. Apparently, a lot of fans want to see it and that is why Raimi is looking at making it. The problem is that I want Sam Raimi to make it because he wants to make it. That might not be the case.

I’m afraid that every time I talk about it people get really mad at me when I don’t follow through with it. I would like to work on the script over the summer, that much is true. But the reason to come back and do it again is only that they’re making me, those fans.

I guess there’s something I don’t see. It makes sense when Ivan says it… but I didn’t have a tremendous amount of passion until right now to bring to it.

He went on to say that he loves working with Bruce Campbell and Rob Tapert, but that he has not been really passionate about returning to the Evil Dead franchise. He said Ivan Raimi told him he was crazy if he didn’t do it because all his fans want it, so he decided to give it a try. My problem is that, when someone gives something a try without passion, it shows through in their work. Look at Spider-Man 3.

Then again, he also said there was nothing else on his plate that he really wanted to make right now. He was passionate about the upcoming Oz: The Great and Powerful. He was passionate about Drag Me to Hell. He was passionate about the Spider-Man franchise in general. I want him to be passionate again about The Evil Dead (Hell, I named my son Ash), but fans can’t force that passion upon the man.

We are getting a Sam Raimi produced Evil Dead remake this summer, and maybe that is better than him forcing himself to pen a fourth movie in Ash’s tale. If he isn’t 100% behind it, do we really want to see him force one out?

Source: Bleeding Cool

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