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Sam Raimi Promises an ‘Evil Dead 4’

The Sam Raimi classic Evil Dead trilogy remains some of the best cult horror films I have seen, and the first one specifically holds a special place in my heart. I actually wrote a thesis paper for my senior capstone class about the unique methods Raimi used to achieve his practical effects for that movie on practically no budget. That makes me pretty interested in the upcoming reboot of Evil Dead, hitting this summer.

However, new news has just hit as Disney’s official UK Twitter account sent out a very interesting, and surprising, quote by Sam Raimi himself. The quote was given at a “Meet the Filmmakers” question and answer event with Zach Braff.

“I would love to make Evil Dead 4. My brother and I plan to work on the script this summer” Sam Raimi. What a scoop!

This is shocking news for a couple of reasons, the main one being that Raimi is producing the reboot that comes out this summer, with a director he handpicked. It is also interesting because people have been asking Raimi about a follow up to Army of Darkness for years, and he has pretty much shot down the rumors every time.

While I see Drag Me to Hell to be a very similar movie to the Evil Dead trilogy, I assumed that would be the closest we ever got to an Evil Dead movie directed by Raimi. Sounds like I was wrong. The “brother” he mentioned would probably be Ivan Raimi, who worked with his brother on Army of Darkness, as well as Drag Me to Hell and Darkman.

How studios would get around the fact that an Evil Dead 4 would mean there would be two separate Evil Dead franchises running side by side is still unknown. But, if Sam Raimi wants to make a new Evil Dead movie, I am very excited.

Source: Twitter

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