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Dexter Recap ‘Make Your Own Kind of Music’ – Episode 08.09

Dexter series finale

This week’s Dexter recap is going to be a bit different. Instead of exhausting myself by breaking down the episode scene-by-scene, and beat-by-beat, I’m going to provide a brief, but detailed summary of the major plots and subplots.




Much to my displeasure, the first of the final episodes of Dexter really didn’t deliver for me.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Kenny Johnson appear as the US Marshall. He’s a good actor, and I’ve enjoyed seeing him appear throughout some of my favorite shows over the years, from The Shield to Smallville,  Sons of Anarchy and now to Dexter. He’s a good fit for the marshall character, and I’m looking forward to seeing him play a more important role in the final three episodes. It seems that the character is smart enough to recognize that Dexter’s hiding something about Hannah, and that should build some tension for Dex as we approach the end of his story.

This episode had yet another surprise cliff-hanger twist ending, throwing the viewer for a loop by presenting that Vogel and Saxon have some sort of tenuous truce. There’s no question that this seriously changes the landscape for the next three episodes.

My major issues with this episode are basically the same that I’ve had throughout this final season of the show. It’s doesn’t feel like it’s coming to an end. Compare it to last night’s episode of Breaking Bad. (Rest assured, I won’t spoil anything here.) We saw two major moments in that show that heightened the already thick layer of tension to a completely new level altogether, and it left the viewer thinking, “Oh my god! There’s still five episodes left! What could possibly happen next?” After the final scene of that episode, I wanted to know what happened next as soon as possible.

That is exactly how I should feel about Dexter, but I don’t. Although the season had a strong opening episode and a few good moments in between, this has still been a rather mediocre season of the show. The writing feels contrived and downright lackadaisical. The scenes between Hannah and Debra over the past two episodes have been completely out of character for both women, and that’s just one example. The creators aren’t really delivering any believable character development for many characters at this point. They’re just serving the needs of a particularly boring plot.

Last year we had another really fragmented and unfocused season, but the last two episodes kicked into high gear with the LaGuerta storyline, which brought the tension higher than it had been in years. I’m sure that the writers have done the exact same thing this year, and the final three episodes are going to really increase the anticipation and make the viewer wonder what’s coming. It just may be too little, too late.

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