Renegade Cinema.
After almost two decades of professional writing for various publications and six years of online work, it is finally time to write something for myself. It’s time to write about what I love, what I am passionate about, and what I hope you are passionate about it as well.
This new road I’m traveling down has been a long time coming. I’ve always prided myself on shooting for the stars and never letting anyone tell me no. So, with Renegade Cinema, I am going to give you news and reviews for movies and entertainment that I am passionate about. I am going to interview some of the biggest names in geek cinema and cover festivals and conventions that we all love to attend.
I also went out and found some likeminded people to join me on this journey. John “D-Rock” Dotson is the first man to come aboard, someone who loves geek cinema almost as much as I do, and someone who will serve as my right hand man on this site. Jesse Blume is our comic book guru and will be talking about movies, comics and just about anything else he wants to as one of our top senior writers. Devan Gill is one of the most talented writers we have here and is going to be tackling some big time reviews and writing about his love of movies and music. Brandon Groppi is our video guy, and you will get to see his talent shine through week after week in video podcasts for the site.
We are also looking for more people who want to jump aboard and help out. This is a labor of love, but it is a place that I hope a lot of you will love to call home. We’ll cover superhero movies, horror flicks, sci-fi films, B-grade action movies, and also touch on classic cinema and some mind blowing prestige pictures. Just don’t expect to find chick flicks or Tyler Perry movies on our site.
This site is a site for movie geeks by movie geeks.
Things will really get rolling next week when I have a huge exclusive interview with Terrance Zdunich about his upcoming movie “The Devils Carnival: Episode 2,” and you won’t want to miss that. Until then, enjoy our offering of the best geek movie news and reviews, all with our unique slant on things – there are no PC attitudes around these parts.
Welcome aboard and I hope to see you all back here real soon.
If you haven’t already:
And make sure you sign up to talk back to us in the comment section below.
Most of all, enjoy yourself at Renegade Cinema.