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Finding Dory Pixar Movie Changing Ending Thanks to Blackfish

Finding Dory is the sequel to the Pixar hit Finding Nemo and is set for a November 2015 release. It’s a good thing the release date is so far off because Pixar plans to head in to completely change the movie’s ending thanks to a little known documentary called Blackfish.

Blackfish is a documentary that debuted this year at the Sundance Film Festival and caused quite the stir when it pretty much blasted SeaWorld Amusement Parks for the treatment of captive whales. The movie follows the story of a number of trainers who have died over the past few years and blames SeaWorld for the deaths because – honestly – what do you expect from killer whales taken out of their natural habitat and kept in tanks?

Well, SeaWorld got pissed off and started throwing their weight around, trying to block Blackfish from getting released but what the amusement park is doing is cutting off their nose to spite their face. Hardly anyone would have ever heard of Blackfish if not for SeaWorld throwing all this publicity at it and now it is costing them more than if they had just turned their cheek and ignored it.

The first change comes with Pixar’s Finding Dory. Because of the uproar that was caused – thanks mostly to SeaWorld’s loud voice, Pixar realized they need to change the ending. Apparently, the ending of Finding Dory was going to have some of the sea life end up living at SeaWorld, happily ever after.

With Blackfish showing things are not that happy at SeaWorld, and the amusement park stupidly letting everyone else know about the charges as well, Pixar plans to change it and eliminate the happy amusement park from their movie.

Nice work SeaWorld, you are officially the dumbest company of the year.

Finding Dory comes out on Nov. 25, 2015.

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