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‘Chronicle’ screenwriter Max Landis no longer attached to sequel

Chronicle 2

Ahoy, kiddos! Aidan here.

Last year, the $12 million found-footage film Chronicle proved to be the little movie that could, grossing $126 million worldwide and garnering positive critical reception in the process. But the inevitable Chronicle sequel is sadly moving forward without its original creative team – chiefly, its writer and director.

In response to a fan’s request for details, the screenwriter offered this tweet:


Max Landis, who scripted the first film, was contracted to pen the Chronicle sequel in March 2012 after Chronicle opened well. After a few snags and setbacks, however, the writer now reveals he is off the project for good, along with Josh Trank. He reassured fans that the split wasn’t malicious or traumatic, though, and seems to have faith in Fox’s new creative team bringing something positive to the table:

Ultimately, I’m just very grateful to Fox for making a film as close to my original script as Chronicle was. For making the film at all. So yeah it’s sad that as of right now I’m not involved in the sequel, and don’t know what it’s about even, but ultimately I can’t complain. […] Chronicle 2 is still probably happening, just not with my involvement as of now. It’s a bummer, but there are no real hard feelings. They hired new writers on it. I’m sure they’ll announce soon. Just hope this answers the questions I’ve been getting everyday.

Last fall, Landis’ father told press that his son’s script had been met with disdain at Fox. “[T]he studio read it and said, ‘We want ‘Chronicle’ again!’” he said. “And he said, ‘No, this is the sequel, it’s the evolution, and they said ‘No, we want that movie again!’” Arriving at an impasse of irreconcilable opinions of where the film should go, the two parted ways.

Sad news, in my book. Chronicle was an impressive piece of low-key filmmaking and I thoroughly enjoyed it. While I didn’t – and never really do – think a Chronicle sequel is necessary, I’d at least want the original film’s writer on board to take it wherever he deems best. He knows the characters, he knows how they’d evolve and grow.

But…. this is Fox we’re dealing with. So color me unsurprised.

Either way, here’s hoping the Chronicle sequel offers a semblance of the same quality the first film did. If so, we should we fine.


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