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Dexter ‘What’s Eating Dexter Morgan?’ Recap – Episode 08.03

Greetings, one and all. I’m Caliber Winfield and I’ll be filling in for Jesse this week. Hopefully I’ll be able to do half as great a job as he does. What's Eating Dexter Morgan

Episode starts off with Dex waking up to Harrison calling for him. From the kitchen to the bathroom we see a trial of what appears to be blood, but it ends up being popsicle, as Harrison ate an entire box to himself, like a man. Of course, now his stomach hurts. A shot of Pepto and we’re all set to go.

On the otherside of town, Deborah is crashed out in her car, about 4 sheets to the wind. A cop stops by to see the deal, and she asks for some leanency. He would, but it turns out
she didn’t just pull over, she crashed into a parking meter. Cop offers to call Dex, but Deb opts for Quin instead. He offers to take her home, but she just wants to go to work. He asks if he has need to worry, because of her drinking. He tells her that his episode was because she turned down his purposal. She can’t exactly tell him she’s dating Captain Morgan because she shot Captain Laguerta.

Dexter shows up to Lyle Sussman’s cabin, the man thought to be the Brain Surgeon. However, his body is moved. He’s no longer hanging around. Instead, the real Brain Surgeon wanted to see what was on Lyle’s mind and blew it all over the wall with a shotgun, giving it the appearnce of a suicide. The good DR gets two more packages,  “His” & “Hers” brain pieces. Dexter assumes the “His” is in reference to him. Quinn finds Dex and tells him about the ordeal with Deb. He heads off to her work, where she’s hanging out with her boss and a new client who’s hiring them in order to find out if her husband is cheating. Dex wants dinner with Deb, and eventually she accepts.

Back at the station, they’ve ruled Sussman a suicide, and thus close the case on the Surgeon. Dexter of course knows better, and is on the case of his latest suspect, Ron Galuzzo.

Deb & her boss are on stake out, while a dude is mobbing on some chick in a van. They discuss some of Deb’s dating past.

Turns out Galuzzo works at a fitness store in the mall, so Dexter shows up looking to get fit. He interigates the guy in his sly, roundabout style and figures that the guy is hiding something. He reports back to the DR about it, and speaks of his intentions to break into his house and investigate. She then asks Dexter why he didn’t kill Deb when she found out about him, and tries to figure out what “love” really means to him.

Over at Angel’s house, he’s having a dinner with his sister & Quinn until he blows it by saying Quinn didn’t have to tend to a case the other night. Jamie is displeased with the revelation about Deb and Quinn’s need to constantly help her.

Elsewhere, Deb & Dexter are having dinner at an establishment that Deborah feels would not be worthy of a review in Zaggats. At this point, Dexter points out a patron in the resturant and shows Deb that it’s one of the people she saved in a shooting a while back. He says that his daughter has a father thanks to Deb, and that she’s a good person who’s done a ton of good things. This seems to perk her up.

At Deb’s place, their current account sees the photos of her husband cheating and says they aren’t him. She says it was all a mistake and leaves, prefering to live in denial. This causes Deb to do a bit of reflecting.

While Deb is doing a bit of looking inward, Dexter sneaks into Galuzzo’s house and finds out that he’s a cannibal. He has body parts in his freezer, with a stew cooking that contains fingers. Although twisted, he’s not the person they’re after.

Back at the station, Deb sits outside drinking, and watching footage of the aforementioned shoot-out. She then feels the best move is to head up stairs and and reel off a confession. She tells Quinn aboutEpisode starts off with Dex waking up to Harris calling for him. From the kitchen to the bathroom we see a trial of what appears to be blood, but it ends up being popsicles, as Harrison
ate an entire box to himself, like a man. Of course, now his stomach hurts. A shot of Pepto and we’re all set to go.

On the otherside of town, Deborah is crashed out in her car, about 4 sheets to the wind. A cop stops by to see the deal, and she asks for some leanency. He would, but it turns out
she didn’t just pull over, she crashed into a parking meter. Cop offers to call Dex, but Deb opts for Quin instead. He offers to take her home, but she just wants to go to work. He asks
if he has need to worry, because of her drinking. He tells her that his episode was because she turned down his purposal. She can’t exactly tell him she’s dating Captain Morgan because she shot Captain Legarda.

Dexter shows up to Lyle Sussman’s cabin, the man thought to be the Brain Surgeon. However, his body is moved. He’s no longer hanging around. Instead, the real Brain Surgeon
wanted to see what was on Lyle’s mind and blew it all over the wall with a shotgun, giving it the appearnce of a suicide. The good DR gets two more packages, a “His” & “Hers” pair of brain pieces. Dexter assumes the “His” is in reference to him. Quinn finds Dex and tells him about the ordeal with Deb. He heads off to her work, where she’s hanging out with her boss and a new client who’s hiring them in order to find out of his husband is cheating. He wants dinner with Deb, and eventually she accepts.

Back at the station, they’ve ruled Sussman a suicide, and thus close the case on the surgeon. Dexter of course knows better, and is on the case of his latest suspect, Ron Galuzzo.

Deb & her boss are on stake out, while a dude is mobbing on a chick in a van. They discuss some of Deb’s dating past.

Galuzzo works at a fitness store in the mall, so Dexter shows up looking to get fit. He interigates the guy in his sly, roundabout style and figures out that the guy is hiding something. He reports back to the DR about it, and speaks of his intentions to break into his house and investigate. She then asks Dexter why he didn’t kill Deb when she found out about him, and tries to figure out what “love” really means to him.

Over at Angel’s house, he’s having a dinner with his sister & Quinn until he blows it by saying Quinn didn’t have to tend to a case the other night. Jamie is displeased with the revelation.

Deb & Dexter are at dinner at an establishment that Deborah feels would not be worthy of a review in Zaggats. At this point, Dexter points out a patron in the resturant and shows Deb that it’s one of the people she saved in a shooting a while back. Points out that his daughter has a father thanks to Deb. That she’s a good person who’s done a ton of good things. This seems to perk her up.

At Deb’s place, their current account sees the photos of her husband cheating and says they aren’t him. She says it was all a mistake and leaves, prefering to live in denile.

Dexter sneaks into Galuzzo’s house and finds out that he’s a cannibal. He has body parts in his freezer, with a stew cooking that contains fingers.

Back at the station, Deb shows up loaded and says she has a confession. She tells Quinn about Laguarda, and he calls Dexter. He was currently with the good DR, and they rush off to the station. Once there, Deb begins hoopering & hollaring about everything, so Dex hits her with a shot of tranqualizer. They take her back to her place, and Dexter asks the DR to help Deb, at which point he leaves to finish off Galuzzo. Quinn is the only one who spoke to Deb at the station, and he thinks this was all some alcohol induced guilt trip, placing no stock in her confession.

Next we come across a familiar site, as Galuzzo is strapped to a table with Dexter telling him they’re the same, because Dexter ends up consuming the ones he loves.  With that, we’re out.

Last Words:  I found this episode to be a little lacking at times. Deb is a fine character, but she works better in her role as a secondary than as the continual lead along-side Dexter. Of course, I could very well be in the minority here, as others probably couldn’t be happier with Deb’s beefed up roll. I also find the DR character to be incredibly bland. She’s lacking a certain charisma that other guest stars had. However, since I suspect she isn’t on the level, perhaps that’s what they wanted, someone low-key. Either way, the final season is starting out strong, and here’s to hoping it can continue coarse.

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