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Star Wars Casting News: Mark Hamill Talks Return

The first casting news that hit after Star Wars: Episode VII was announced was that Harrison Ford was in talks to reprise his role as Han Solo in the franchise. Next up, word came that the movie would focus on the children of Han and Leia and Luke Skywalker. That pretty much assured fans that Luke and Leia would be back as well, and Mark Hamill recently confirmed that talks are ongoing.

“They’re talking to us. George [Lucas] wanted to know whether we’d be interested. He did say that if we didn’t want to do it, they wouldn’t cast another actor in our parts – they would write us out.” – Mark Hamill

Hamill also said that there are no contract yet, and that Disney wants the original cast members to head in to meet and talk to screenwriter Michael Arndt, and Kathleen Kennedy, who Lucas handpicked to lead the franchise he created.

However, Hamill also sounded very excited that the opportunity was there, comparing it to pulling out an old pair of pants and finding money in the pockets.

Hamill also talked about who all should return, mentioning Carrie Fisher (Leia), Ford (Han Solo), Billy Dee Williams (Lando), Tony Daniels (C3PO), and “”the whole gang.” He said people would have to stay tuned in to see who all came back.

Mark Hamill also joked that he sees his character in Star Wars: Episode VII as an Obi-Wan character, saying that he fell in love, realized his love was his sister, and now Luke Skywalker will probably just be a lonely old hermit.

More casting news should start to trickle in soon.

Source: /Film

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