Written by James Vanderbilt
Cast: Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jason Clarke, Richard Jenkins, Joey King, James Woods
Director Roland Emmerich hasn’t been satisfied with destroying the White House, New York, or even the entire world (twice!). Now that he’s finally run out of new toys to play with, he’s running right back old ones with his latest movie White House Down. Emmerich may be turning down (no pun intended) his scope a few notches, but he’s still aiming to make one of the biggest action movies of the summer. With Olympus Has Fallen having already fit the bill for dumb White House action movie this year, does White House Down even stand a chance at making a mark on audiences this summer?
White House Down follows rejected secret service applicant John Cale (Channing Tatum) who finds himself in the middle of a White House takeover on the day of his interview. In the midst of the preposterous invasion, Cale finds that he’s the only man that can protect President Sawyer (Jamie Foxx) from the ruthless team of mercenaries led by Emil Stenz (Jason Clarke). Determined to find his missing daughter and to escort the president to safety, Cale fights an army terminator style only to unravel an even more simplistic conspiracy. Despite the lighter plot, this movie actually packs on quite a few additional characters including Secret Service Agent Finnerty (Maggie Gyllenhaal), Chief of Security Walker (James Woods), Speaker Ralphelson (Richard Jenkins), and General Caulfield (Lance Reddick) just to name a few.
Once you get all of these complaints out of the way you actually have an outrageously silly summer blockbuster that never dares to take itself too seriously. The action is absolutely ridiculous and just about any form of logic or reason you can imagine is thrown completely out the window. White House Down gives us the chance to see all of our favorite government buildings leveled, the poorly characterized bad guys inexplicably fight each other, and Channing Tatum take on absurd feats that even Rambo would find unbelievable. If Tatum isn’t walking away from enormous explosions untouched, he’s doing burnouts on the White House lawn. Needless to say, there is actually a lot of mindless fun to be had and the zany action is only the tip of the iceberg.
The script for this movie feels like it’s about two decades too late to work as a mainstream blockbuster, but I found the tone to be quite novel. It never quite reaches the heights of its clear inspirations like Commando, 24, or Lethal Weapon, but the movie definitely captures the spirit of an 80’s action flick in a way that other recent attempts at throwbacks like Bullet to the Head, The Last Stand, and A Good Day to Die Hard never did. Not only is the dialog horrendous in all of the right ways, but the actors even throw out a few casual winks to the audience.
Overall White House Down is a very enjoyable movie as long as you check logic at the door. The movie is unapologetically dumb and lavishes in is chaotic execution. The cheesy writing, the over the top acting, and the apocalyptic mind of Roland Emmerich all work together to make this a fun and exciting ride. White House Down may not do anything great and it may not be a classic, but it’s easily one of the more entertaining Independence Day movies to hit theater in recent years.